We stand firmly with our community in calling for racial justice and reform. Theatre has always had a role to play in creating a more just and equitable society and we will play our part in the pursuit of equality. This work will be ongoing and will never end.
As a predominately white organization (PWI), we name our own white privilege and recognize that we participate in the harmful and unjust systems at work in our country.
To be silent is to be complicit; therefore, Theatre22 stands in solidarity to condemn violence against Black Americans and to state emphatically that Black Lives Matter.
While we have taken strides to expand the diversity of our work on and off the stage, we simply have not done enough to include and herald the voices of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC).
In the wake of the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many other Black Americans, we began gathering insight from Black artists and community leaders, staff, board members, national advisers and industry colleagues on how our theatre can work towards becoming a more anti-racist and multicultural organization.
Since 2013, Theatre22 has been committed to telling stories that “celebrate hope and healing.” We embrace the hope of racial justice and we commit to helping our community heal by listening, learning and taking action.
Now and forever!
With gratitude and solidarity,
Corey McDaniel, Producing Artistic Director and Theatre22